
Monday, October 14, 2013

some xlife crisis (wanted: career advice?)

x being some prefix i don't recall. something very common to 20 somethings who are overly confused with what they want to do with their lives. hahaha midlife ba yun or quarterlife ewan.

anyway, i think it's not bad for me to explore. i mean, i'm almost 23 but i still don't have a definite career path for myself. not that it's too late ha but yes, i'm on that what-should-i-do-with-my-career phase. when i was in college, i've always thought IT was all programming and shiz. but right now i'm discovering an endless list of opportunities in the industry alone and i'm pretty stoked to see where else i would fit! 

so here are uhm, 5 career paths i've considered for myself... so far!

1. argh. i'm kindof done convincing myself that programming and software development is not for me, even though i haven't had 2 years of experience to say for sure. basta, i know. my heart's not in it. in any case, you know how they all say time's the best teacher? yeah. in the slight chance i see myself still stuck where i am today, we'll see. hmm.

2. some days i think about learning about web design and development, then working for start ups or freelancing. eventually i shrug at the thought of risk.

3. besides being an IT person, i also think i'm inclined to sales/marketing or something. online selling is something i want to try out, like seriously. i just have to find the perfect product line for me! this is something i don't find too risky cos i can always do it in the sidelines. anyway, besides selling prepaid load products and make up, i'm on/off at sulit/ebay naman so i think i can handle an actual e-store! this actually excites me! >XD

4. the riskiest path i probably see on my so called 'career map' is to go back to school to study the arts, nail it (lol) and become a full-fledged artist major in web and graphic designs. that's a lot of money and time to invest that's why i'm never fully decided on it. but i would really really love to. but 4 years and hundreds of thousands is not something i can commit to in a snap. not when you're 22 and counting.

5. the most practical path to cross if i were to really dismiss where i am right now is to just try something new in IT. whatever that is, some new technology, new function, new... oh wait you know where i'm going. you know, i'm also at this point where i just want to break free and discover what else this industry holds for me. lol

oh well. >XD