
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

the GMAT challenge

it's time to get into business, seriously. a lot of management majors opt to take masteral courses after they earned their undergraduate degrees. but the road to become a true master is hard. let's talk about the GMAT or the Graduate Management Admission Test. it's a standard application procedure that aids a handful of institutions in their student selection process. have i mentioned it's hard? my sister is taking her masteral in business administration right now and she would always remember her GMAT exam as crazy and totally brain damaging. i'm not really sure why, it's just a couple of math, logic, grammar and time management questions right? not to mention the time management part was actually a practical test. hahaha but NO. one must not underestimate the power of GMAT, or any admission test for that matter.

the GMAT exam covers a wide array of questions from the world of math, english, ethics and blah. and as the name implies, it's a deciding factor if you're going to be admitted to the instituion you want. depending on the school, items may range from 500-1000 questions, spread over 4 hours at the suggested least with small breaks in between so you could contemplate if you still wanna pursue that shiz. haha wanna get some tips? here are sample gmat questions (you may also want to follow VeritasPrep for that!) i found around the web. >:D

anyhow, fear not cos there's the internet for you to turn to. all the resources you need are scattered around, just google GMAT and voila! you might even get a leak haha

good luck!