is that how it must really work out? for one, i didn't beg my way into Smart. i got in by their usual regular process. no re-considerations, just in. isn't that something to be proud of? i think so, but NO. it's still a mystery how i passed their technical test. it's not that i'm being pa-humble or maybe underestimating myself, but who in their right minds would let my exam slip by? if you only knew. i'm not trying to question their application process but i really really feel like i never really passed the test. unless they have a 90-10 grading criteria for interview and exam respectively then maybe uhm. crap. haha. haha.
this is downright annoying right? me complaining about a job that i probably really deserved but thinks otherwise?
i feel misplaced, AGAIN.
there are times when i'm searching google for java tutorials and end up searching for cheap MMA schools instead. oyeah.