my (unoffial) grad pic! bought raw from the studio and edited via photoshop >:D |
I CAN SRSLY FEEL IT! May 12, come closer! Argh. I'm downing all hopes of getting a laude, but if God permits and by some miracle (i.e. a change in policy, WHICH ISN'T IMPOSSIBLE SINCE THEY ALWAYS DO IT HAHAHA) they decide not to dig through my grades at UPLB, dear Lord, I will be the happiest graduate aloive!
one of my creative shots |
i didn't select this one, though i think it would be funny, just so i wouldn't "offend" anyone in the admin and blah IF it does look even a bit offensive in any way haha. i stayed at UPLB the same amount of years i did at FEU FERN naman so it's fair! yun lang, i didn't finish my studies there, and if i did.... then this post may be a decade too early. my loyalty is 50-50, i'm half maroon half tamaraw. BUT, Dear Lord, if i graduate with the highest honors (emphasis on the "highest" please), then my loyalty will be 100% on FEU HAHAHAHAHA shempre doh. >:)