
Monday, September 19, 2011


First of all, NEW LAYOUT! Still on the crappy side cos i wasn't able to fix those badass margins. nakaka-OC yung alignment HAHAHAHA and and and! the slideshow up there, it's not supposed to be like that by default. if you'd do me the honor, on the slideshow kindly click on the gear icon (that will bring you to the Settings) and check the 'Fancy Slidedow Effects' along with 'Crossfade Transitions' and 'Pan Images'. close it and yeaaahhh, that's the effect i want you guys to see by default. apparently, DeviantArt has been so conservative with their embed code, i don't know where to edit stuff like that. hahahaha

Sooooo, what's new? aside from the layout... the blog address also changed. i mean, i told you i changed my email so i also created a different blog. anyhow, the address remains YANBIROG.CO.NR so yeah. haha all my previous entries since way way back like 2004 have been imported here.

Thing is! As usual! the Search box doesn't weave through imported entries so it's kinda useless for now. hahahaha

What else, what else. hmmm
is the jump break working?
orayt. >:)