
Friday, December 19, 2008

new banner :)

i made a new header. it's actually a recycled one i used in one of my previous blogs. :) it features a certain artwork of mine from way way back. just that... :) i'm supposed to do ' a series of unfortunate banners' entry instead of this to feature the 2 other banners i made just now that were turned down. hahaha i tend to create a lot of experimental banner first before i officially publish it. so there, that's probably the 'winning' banner for the meantime. XP

i'm really bored. i wish i had gone to our org's christmas party instead. either way, i'm going to end up broke so why not be temporarily poor and happy? darn, i wasn't able to think that much. i was too excited to go home. i didn't consider that after 3 hours of travel, the thrill will eventually die down. so much for this week.

i'm looking forward to swimming, biking and some nature-tripping over the break. i don't know how, i don't know where.

on some other note, something's telling me that i should go learn multiply-layout making. it's just css right? roight.

and my parents, they want me to enroll in this english proficiency workshop by TESDA. sounds cool, i want to, but i don't have time. sucks because IT'S FREE. and it's TESDA, i think it's a government subsidized vocational school so after training we get TESDA accreditations that's going to be additional credentials for us. tempting, man! i've always been dreaming of attending vocational lessons for free (or for a low cost).

my sister's gooooone. no, not poof gone but she's not here because she went back to los banos to get her nasal spray. >__>; it's a thousand+ worth of medicine so i didn't have qualms with her going back... i usually hate her for forgetting things then going back to get it, spending approximately 260 worth of travel money. but i forgive here anyway. hehe i love my terai.

JC Tiuseco of Survivor Philippines looks waaay hotter as a castaway, with the untrimmed hair, mustache and tanned skin. right now, he looks just hot. but i still like him. :)