
Thursday, March 6, 2008


nothing's up with the title. hahaha

just got back from our 3rd long exam in chem40. oh well, screw it! i don't give a damn anymore... i'm getting my masterals on it NOW and why would it hurt to take a doctorate degree on it sometime next school year?

ugh. seriously. i am more excited to get over this week than to get over this sem.

by the way, i went along with some of my dormmates awhile ago to inquire about this newly built dormitory called Mendoza. i immediately liked the place! it's secluded... well, it's bounded... i mean, it has a tall gate and high walls... and the rooms are nice too!!!!!!

pretty much like a studio type apartment, only it's a dormitory. they have bunk beds, showers, cabinets, CONCRETE WALLS AND TILED FLOORS (meaning, it's COLD! yaaay!) and this beautiful garden-like receiving area with pretty wooden chairs (plus a cute dog and 2 chained k9 dogs - THE OWNERS ARE RICH).

i want to transfer now.
as in now.

we were actually planning on reserving rooms already so that we can move in by summer. man, i don't want to spend summer classes in my current dorm. it's gonna be super HOOOT, we don't have concrete walls in our room... only plywood ones, and the floor is wooden too. i'm gonna be grilled raw before i even know it.

i just love the place! super!
but then, there's the price to pay... at least i think it's fairer (although more expensive).

i just hope my parents agree to this.
i texted them awhile ago about it and my mom says i should wait for my sister to graduate first before i transfer because she's so dependent on me... daw.

oh come on, it's not like i should act as the elder sister to her! besides, didn't she survive her first year in college without me (cos i'm still in sr. highschool back them)? what's the difference if transfer to different dorm?

a common area for studying doesn't help me at all. i always end up chatting with my dormmates. i'm not being productive!
and look, i'm always bloating myself with unecessary craves (fooooood, INTERNET). not only do they make me fatter (and unhealthier too), they also ALWAYS leave me in a state of poverty.

whereas if stay there in mendoza, we'll be requesting a room at the second floor. meaning i have to mount the stairs... it's relatively farther from the campus but what's a little walk to warm myself up? it's not like it's gonna take a lifetime (ooooh, i'm a sucker for a regular workout)

case in point made.

now where's the cash?