
Thursday, March 23, 2006

how to endure graduation practices

awhile ago's encounter with our highschool teachers was very sentimental for almost everybody cried... except me. i just can't bring out my tears, maybe i didn't see the sentiment of the moment at that time. then they started hugging the teachers, i can't do it. i just don't want to. and in the end i didn't hug anyone. i must be most unsentimental person that time. the highlight for me was the pinning of the school logo pins. the pins were really nice. ms. platon pinned it to me and my rowmates... i also told her i saw her in SM edsa last sunday in her reese('s?) shirt. hehe.

the rest of the day's theme revolved around

"how to endure grad practices"

my tips are horrible... but it might as well work for you
1. bring candies (personal favorite: stork). i usually bring 9 every morning but they'll eventually be gone come recess.
2. slouch a little when the teachers aren't noticing, it's quite relaxing that way.
3. cross your legs... again when the teachers aren't noticing.
4. daydream while waiting for the other graduates to march their way to their seats. talk to youself in your mind, do anything to distract yourself from watching your dear batchmates' shoes get carried away to the yellow line. it's bOOOOOOOOOring. you can hum the grad march music if you wish... but it's a pretty dorky thing to do, honestly.
5. sleep while you're waiting for the giving of the diplomas to finish. it works best when you wear glasses because from afar it doesn't seem like your sleeping at all.
6. uhm... stretch? sitting properly is a big pain in the ass.
7. bring a rubber band and experiment.

well, don't talk to your seatmate. they won't talk to you back especially when you're in between two officers. just keep quiet and do things on your own.

i do his quite often when i'm bored, i make a "ballpen helicopter". i can't tell you how, it's a secret. but pretty much if you're a bored bald-head and everyone around you are bald-heads, you simply can't do this, unless you pluck it out of somewhere else. ouch.

in short, just do all kinds of distracting things. things that will not stick your head to the ceremony because it's boring. by the end of the day you'll see yourslef shrugging your shoulders often because it hurts from sitting up straight.

these tips are only for the practices and i know it's too late to post it since tomorrow will be our last. =P

i'm glad, two more sleeps to go before we graduate.