yeah right... how ironic.
oh, i'm sick. =)
hehe... i had a fever awhile ago and i practically kept myself in the bathroom puking and throwing up every speck of good food i had.
and my mom was mad at me yesterday for buying a regular cafe latte with extra pearl which was turned to a grande cafe latte with extra pearl by a certain zagu promo...
treats are cool.
my fever sucks.
i haven't finished my reading report yet... grr..
by the way...
how has Harry Potter 6?
pariham please? =)
i wanna watch charlie and chocolate factory...
- bored
- dreams...
- finally...
- what to write! what to write?!!!
- traffic
- politics...*sigh*
- tu cheez badi hai mast...
- whew... tired
- a mathematical equation for every word...
- stuck on you
- lazy me...
- always remember you're unique... just like everyon...
- happy anniversary!
- pamayanan 06 retreat
- ooohhh... there's a flame!
- what a shammmeeee!!!
- sweets? ... indulge!
- dream guy
- culture shock
- college dilemma
- how would they feel about this?
- recall adrian
- new layout!
- new layout... SOON!
- the ultimate wasabi challenge!
- Being on the 5th Wheel
- lalihooo